About Us | GamerBlurb
Hey there!
We’re a relatively small group of friends and colleagues who definitely spend a bit too much time playing games and writing stuff about them… And we absolutely love it.
After taking the leap in 2024, we’ve turned this website into our full-time gig and now put all of our effort and energy into making straightforward, accurate, and entertaining articles for players from around the world in a way that we always had wished existed. We cover a variety of different topics, but our major focus is on writing helpful gaming guides at this point in time.
We really appreciate you checking in and hope that you’ll hang around a bit/continue to come back and support us by reading the content that we put a lot of effort into. If you’d like to support us even further, please feel free to subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page (which will include an invite to our exclusive member-only Discord server when we get that up and running… Soon™).
P.S. – If you’re a freelance writer looking for work, we just posted some new job openings here.
Thank you, and we hope to see you around!