BLEACH Rebirth of Souls: Beginner’s Guide

Image Credits: TAMSOFT CORPORATION, BLEACH Rebirth of Souls

Starting BLEACH Rebirth of Souls is a game throws a bunch of meters, buttons, and flashy moves at you right from the jump. If you want to stop mashing buttons and start winning fights, this guide will walk you through the basics, nice and easy.

Here’s a simple guide to help get you started.

First Thing: Every Character Is Different

  • Everyone in this game has unique mechanics.

  • Some have extra gauges, some move faster, others hit harder.

  • The only way to really get good is to pick a character and learn their gimmicks. But first, you need to know how the game works.

Know Your Gauges – What All Those Meters Mean

  • Konpaku Gauge

    • This is the point system at the top of the screen.

    • Deplete your opponent’s points by damaging their health.

    • First one to run out of points loses.

  • Spiritual Pressure Gauge (aka Reishi Gauge)

    • Orange bar under your health.

    • Fills by fighting, blocking, taking damage.

    • Spend it to use special moves—cost varies (50 or 100 points per move).

  • Reverse Gauge

    • Two blue bars under your pressure meter.

    • Use it for both defense and offense—super important.

Reverse Gauge Moves (Read This or Lose)

  • Burst Reverse (Defense)

    • Activate while getting hit: Press L2 + X (PS controller).

    • Pushes enemies away + gives 25% Spiritual Pressure back.

    • Also restores your guard meter faster.

  • Chain Reverse (Offense)

    • Activate during your combo with the same input (L2 + X).

    • Cancels move animations so you can extend combos.

    • You get extra spiritual pressure for every hit landed in this state.

  • Hoho (Counter Move)

    • Press L2 + X right before you get hit—it’s a perfect-timed dodge.

    • Teleports you behind the enemy and lets you punish hard.

    • Boosts your spiritual pressure, but you need good timing.

  • Follow-Up Hoho (During Combo)

    • Use the same input while attacking to teleport behind them and keep the combo going.

    • Slight damage penalty, but it looks cool and can finish fights faster.

Awakening Gauge – Time to Bankai

  • This is called your Fighting Spirit bar.

  • When full, press Left Stick + Right Stick to Awaken.

  • Each character has different levels of awakening. Some even get a second transformation.

Awakening Types – Yes, It Gets Complicated

  • Spirit Drop

    • Basic post-Awakening boost: More damage, speed, pressure gain, and defense.

    • Most characters get this.

  • Reawakening (Ichigo, Aizen, Uryu, Ulquiorra only)

    • A second transformation after awakening. Think Super Saiyan 2 vibes.

    • Even more power, but harder to unlock.

  • Reawakening 2

    • Yes, there’s a third level. It’s rare, and only those same characters get it.

  • Special Awakening (Renji & Sajin)

    • Their awakenings are massive (giant snake, giant susanoo-looking beast).

    • Has super armor, limited movement, time limit, and after it ends, they enter a weakened state.

    • You’ve got a short window to do big damage fast.

Final Blurb

Yes, BLEACH Rebirth of Souls throws a ton at you. Gauges, counters, awakenings, and more gauges—but once you get the hang of it, it’s a blast. Pick a character, learn the basics, and you’ll stop getting bodied in no time. There's a lot more to this game, but for now, you’ve got everything you need to start winning... or at least losing with style.

GamerBlurb Team

This article was written by a member of the GamerBlurb team. Learn more at

BLEACH Rebirth of Souls: GB Size and Required Specs


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