BLEACH Rebirth of Souls: Next Characters Potentially Coming to the Game

Image Credits: studio Pierrot (anime), TAMSOFT CORPORATION, BLEACH Rebirth of Souls

Bandai Namco is finally giving Bleach fans a real console game, and while Bleach Rebirth of Souls is launching with 33 fighters, there’s already a Season Pass on the way. Bad news for Fullbring fans—it’s only focused on the Thousand-Year Blood War Arc.

There are four DLC slots in this first pass, and with all the new characters from that arc, not everyone’s getting in. Let’s look at who’s most likely to make the cut.

Read More: All Playable Characters in BLEACH Rebirth of Souls

Bambietta Basterbine

Bambietta Basterbine BLEACH Rebirth of Souls Future DLC Character

Leader of the Bambis, and a fan-favorite among the Sternritter. Bambietta’s explosive personality (and literal explosions) make her a great candidate. Expect bomb attacks, maybe some mid-range gameplay, and possibly a Super where her Bambi crew joins the chaos.

Ichibe Hyosube

Ichibe Hyosube BLEACH Rebirth of Souls Future DLC Character

The loud and powerful head of Squad Zero. Ichibe uses ink-based attacks with his giant brush and has an ancient Bankai perfect for a flashy Super move. He’s important to the story and has a unique fighting style, so it’d be odd if he didn’t show up.

Lille Barro

Lille Barro BLEACH Rebirth of Souls DLC Character

The first of Yhwach’s Schutzstaffel Quincy, Lille’s X-Axis power lets him shoot through anything—and in theory, makes him impossible to hit. His Vollständig angel form is as weird as it is powerful, and while it might break the game, it would look amazing. He’s a completely new character for the game.


Yhwach BLEACH Rebirth of Souls Future DLC Character

The final boss of Bleach. Yhwach has The Almighty, which means he can see and change the future. Expect counters, teleports, and other unfair nonsense. He’s got every Quincy power in the book and probably a few that got cut. He’s a completely new character and feels like a guaranteed DLC pick.

Final Blurb

All of these characters would be brand-new additions to the game, and bring some bangin’ fresh moves and chaos to the roster. However, with only four DLC slots in this first pass, not everyone’s likely to make it in. If we didn’t mention your favorite, don’t give up hope—Season Pass 2 might be where they finally show up. Unless it’s NaNaNa… yeah, that one’s staying on the bench.

GamerBlurb Team

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