FragPunk Knife vs. Axe – Which One Should You Use?
Image Credits: Bad Guitar Studio, FragPunk
If you’re trying to decide between the Knife and the Axe in FragPunk, here’s a simple answer: use the Axe. It does more damage, has better reach, and overall makes you a bigger threat in melee combat. The Knife? Well, it’s faster, but that doesn’t really matter when you’re trying to take someone down before they blast you in the face.
Why the Axe is Better
It hits harder. A tiny bit more damage means fewer swings to take someone out.
It has better reach. Somehow, despite being bulkier, the Axe actually reaches just slightly further than the Knife.
It feels more satisfying. Let’s be honest—swinging an Axe just feels better than stabbing with a tiny blade, but we get it, this is just our opinion here.
Why You Might Use the Knife Anyway
You have a really cool skin for it. Sometimes style matters more than stats.
You enjoy unnecessary challenges. Maybe you just like making things harder for yourself.
You didn’t realize the Axe existed. In which case, now you do… So no more excuses!
Final Blurb
Unless you have a personal attachment to the Knife, the Axe is just the better option. But hey, if looking cool is more important to you than efficiency, then by all means—keep stabbing away.