How to Delete a Character in RuneScape 3 (RS3)
Image Credit: Jagex, RuneScape 3 (RS3)
In RuneScape 3 (RS3), you cannot delete or reset your character. Once a character is created, it remains linked to your account permanently.
If you wish to start over, you can create a new account with a different email address. This allows you to begin the game anew without affecting your existing character.
For players who have linked their RuneScape account to Steam, unlinking the account can enable the creation of a new character. To do this, link your current RuneScape account to an email address and then unlink it from your Steam account. The next time you open RuneScape on Steam, you will have to create a new account since your previous one is no longer linked to your Steam.
Please note that while you can hide characters from being displayed in the Jagex Launcher, this does not delete them. The characters remain part of your account and cannot be removed.
In summary, while you cannot delete or reset a character in RuneScape 3, creating a new account allows you to start over.