How to Make Money in Stoneshard: Easy Tips

Image redit: Ink Stains Games, Stoneshard

Earning money in Stoneshard can be tricky, especially when you’re just starting out. But don’t worry—here are some simple ways to earn gold and keep make you some money.

Make and Sell Fodder

One of the easiest ways to make money early is by crafting fodder. Your character can do this from the start—just open the crafting menu (press zero or use the hotbar button) and combine herbs, vegetables, or berries into fodder. Some herbs like nettle can’t be used, but most plants work fine.

Fodder only takes two inventory slots and stacks up to 100 units, so it’s great for saving space. You can sell it to general vendors or the pawn shop for quick cash. As you travel, collect herbs and make fodder whenever your inventory gets crowded. It’s a quick way to earn money while exploring.

Hunt Animals for Pelts

Killing animals like wolves, deer, foxes, and boars is another good way to earn gold. Foxes are the best—they drop pelts worth about 100 gold. Wolf pelts sell for around 50 gold, and moose pelts can go for even more.

If you’re playing as a ranger, use a bow or crossbow to hunt safely from a distance. Not every kill drops a pelt, but with enough hunting, you’ll gather plenty. Don’t forget to save your game often and rest after hunts to stay safe.

Trap Buffalo for Easy Kills

There’s a trick you can use to hunt buffalo without getting hurt. First, buy some arrows or bolts. Then, get close to a buffalo, attack it, and run far enough away so it stops chasing you. Once it’s stuck patrolling, you can shoot it safely without being attacked.

Use crossbows if you can—they do less damage to pelts, so you’ll get better-quality drops. Just focus on one buffalo at a time because they heal if left alone. Selling all those pelts will take time, but you’ll make a lot of gold.

Extra Tips

  1. Take Quests – Once you have better gear, start doing quests. They pay well and help build your reputation.

  2. Sell Wisely – Some merchants offer better prices, so shop around before selling items.

  3. Save Crafting Materials – Only sell what you don’t need. Keep important resources for crafting later.

  4. Upgrade Slowly – Don’t rush to buy expensive gear. Upgrade bit by bit to stay safe and save money.

Follow these simple steps, and you’ll earn plenty of gold in Stoneshard. Happy adventuring!


Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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