Old Coins Explained: What They Are and How to Use Them in Dynasty Warriors: Origins
If you’ve been wandering around in Dynasty Warriors: Origins and stumbled across random old coins scattered on the world map, you’re probably scratching your head wondering, “What are these for?” Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Here’s a simple guide to explain what old coins are, how to collect them, and what you can do with them.
What Are Old Coins?
Old coins are collectible items you’ll randomly find while exploring the world map or completing missions. At first, they seem like just another shiny thing to clutter your inventory, but they actually have a purpose—eventually. If you’re clueless about their use, it probably means you haven’t progressed far enough in the story. Once you complete the third main mission in Chapter 2, you’ll unlock their true purpose.
How to Use Old Coins
Step 1: Meet the Coin Guy
After completing the third main battle in Chapter 2, you’ll get a request to return to the city of Ji (the first big city you visit). There, you’ll meet a charming character who runs a shop just outside the city. This guy is your go-to for cashing in old coins.
His shop offers rewards based on how many coins you’ve collected. Think of it as a loyalty program, but without the annoying emails.
5 coins: Basic reward
10 coins: Slightly better reward
20 coins: Now we’re talking
The rewards stack, so the more coins you bring, the better the goodies.
How to Collect Old Coins
There are a few ways to collect these elusive coins, and most of them involve doing the kind of tasks you’d probably be doing anyway. Here’s how to rack them up:
1. Random Spawns on the World Map
Old coins can appear randomly on the map, often in areas you’ve already visited. For example:
Find a coin, complete a skirmish, and—bam!—another coin shows up nearby.
It’s like they’re playing hide-and-seek with you, but at least you get rewarded for the effort.
2. Complete Officer Requests
Talk to officers with a handshake icon over their heads. Sometimes they’ll ask you to do a quick skirmish or run a little errand. In return, you’ll get a coin or two, plus a stronger bond with that officer.
3. Increase the Peace Meter
Each region has a peace meter in the bottom right corner of the map. Raising this meter by:
Completing skirmishes
Fulfilling officer requests
Progressing through main missions
At certain thresholds, waypoints in the area will start glowing. Click on them to claim your coins.
4. Check Your Letters
After completing missions (especially main story ones), head back to a tent or city and check your letters. Sometimes, they’ll reward you with coins, weapons, or upgrades. Think of it as ancient Chinese email with perks.
Should You Go Out of Your Way for Coins?
Not really. Old coins are more of a bonus than a must-have. You’ll naturally pick them up as you complete side quests, skirmishes, and story missions. If you’re rushing through the game, you might miss a few, but if you’re taking your time and enjoying all the extra content, you’ll end up with plenty of coins to spend at the shop.
Final Blurb: Are Old Coins Worth It?
In short: Yes, but don’t stress over them. They’re a nice little incentive to explore the map and complete optional missions, but they’re not game-breaking. Just think of them as a way to reward your curiosity (or your tendency to accidentally wander into skirmishes).
So, the next time you stumble across an old coin, pick it up, thank the RNG gods, and keep going. And don’t forget to visit that coin guy near Ji—he’s the key to turning your random loot into actual rewards.