BLEACH Rebirth of Souls: How to Fix Opening on Wrong Monitor

Image Credit: TAMSOFT CORPORATION, BLEACH Rebirth of Souls

BLEACH Rebirth of Souls is full of surprises—some good, most not. One fun bonus feature? The game opens on the wrong monitor and refuses to behave, no matter how many times you ask nicely. Even players with just one monitor have had issues. Yes, really.

Here's how you may be able to fix this issue and get it back on your main monitor.

Read More: All Playable Characters in BLEACH Rebirth of Souls

Quick Fix: Use the Magic Key Combo

Here’s the fastest way to move BLEACH Rebirth of Souls to your main display without pulling your hair out:

  • After the game launches, press Windows Key + Shift + Arrow Key (left or right, depending on your setup).

If your main monitor is on the left, press Win + Shift + Left Arrow.
If it’s on the right, hit Win + Shift + Right Arrow.

This immediately moves the game window to another monitor. It’s a band-aid fix, but it works—for now.

Still Not Working? Try These

Some players said the game always launches on the wrong monitor, no matter what. Even unplugging other screens didn’t help. Here are a couple more things to try:

  • Launch in Windowed Mode First:

    • Drag BLEACH Rebirth of Souls to your main monitor while it’s windowed.

    • THEN switch to fullscreen.

    • Sadly, you’ll probably have to do this every launch. The game forgets where it belongs.

  • Set the Monitor Order in Windows:

    • Go to Display Settings > drag your monitors around and set your preferred Primary Display.

    • Didn’t work for many people, but it’s worth a shot.

Final Blurb

Look, BLEACH Rebirth of Souls isn’t just opening on the wrong monitor—it’s also crashing, glitching, and generally refusing to act like a normal game. The key combo fix helps for now, but yeah, this should’ve been solved before launch. Until it’s patched, keep that Win + Shift + Arrow combo handy. You'll need it. Every. Single. Time.

GamerBlurb Team

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