BLEACH Rebirth of Souls: How to Fix the Red Screen

Image Credit: TAMSOFT CORPORATION, BLEACH Rebirth of Souls

You just wanted to play BLEACH Rebirth of Souls. Instead, you got a red screen that looks like your monitor is trying to warn you about a nuclear meltdown. Don’t worry—this isn’t a permanent curse. Here are some options that might help you fix it and get back to slicing through enemies like you were meant to.

Read More: All Playable Characters in BLEACH Rebirth of Souls

Set BLEACH Rebirth of Souls to High Performance Mode

Bandai Namco actually addressed the red screen issue. They suggest this setting change:

  • Go to Settings > Display > Graphics Settings.

  • Find BLEACH Rebirth of Souls in the list (or add it by browsing to the game’s .exe file).

  • Click Options > change from Automatically select on Windows to High Performance.

  • Hit Save.

This tells your system to stop slacking off and actually run BLEACH Rebirth of Souls on your real graphics card.

Manually Select Your Graphics Card (Yes, Again)

This fix worked for a ton of players. Windows loves to pretend your integrated GPU is good enough. It’s not.

  • Open Graphics Settings again.

  • Add BLEACH Rebirth of Souls if it’s not already listed.

  • Click it > Options > choose your dedicated GPU (like RTX 4070 Ti) > Save.

Red screen? Gone. Suddenly, the game works like it should have from the start.

Update Your Graphics Drivers

Old drivers + new game = disaster. Head over to NVIDIA or AMD’s site and download the latest drivers. One player said BLEACH Rebirth of Souls worked after doing this and the GPU settings, so do both and cover your bases.

Use Compatibility Mode (Time Travel Optional)

Still cursed with red? Try compatibility mode:

  • Go to BLEACH Rebirth of Souls’ install folder (Steam > Installed Files > Browse).

  • Right-click the game’s .exe > Properties > Compatibility tab.

  • Set it to Windows 7 or Windows 8.

  • Also check Run as Administrator.

Sometimes BLEACH Rebirth of Souls just vibes better with the past.

Bandai Namco Wants Your Crash Reports

If BLEACH Rebirth of Souls still crashes after all this, Bandai Namco wants help fixing it. If you’re sending in a report, they want:

  • Your Windows edition, version, and OS build.

  • Which graphics quality setting you’re using: Quality, Balanced, or Performance.

Helpful? Maybe. Will it speed up patches? Probably not. But hey, at least they’re asking.

Other Issues Players Reported

As of 12:30 PM ET, March 21, 2025, over 1,100 comments poured into a Steam thread about BLEACH Rebirth of Souls crashing on PC. Alongside the red screen, folks are also dealing with:

  • Broken shaders

  • Audio that randomly dies

  • Frame rate that makes PowerPoint look fast

So yeah, it’s not just you.

Final Blurb

BLEACH Rebirth of Souls dropped on March 21, 2025, for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC—and PC players have had a time. If you’re stuck with the red screen, try forcing high performance mode and updating your drivers. If it works, great. If not, you can always stare at the red screen and pretend it’s just a very abstract loading screen.

GamerBlurb Team

This article was written by a member of the GamerBlurb team. Learn more at

BLEACH Rebirth of Souls: How to Fix Opening on Wrong Monitor


BLEACH Rebirth of Souls: How to Fix Performance Issues