FragPunk Chum Guide: Abilities and How to Play

FragPunk Chum character selection screen, showing his trap placement abilities and Chomper skill. Chum is a robotic Lancer with vision control and skill damage mechanics.

Image Credits: Bad Guitar Studio, FragPunk

Chum is a trap-based, utility-focused Lancer who relies on his pet companion, Chomper, to disrupt enemies and control the battlefield. His abilities allow him to deploy a roaming minion, set explosive traps, and create vision-blocking smoke, making him a strong pick for players who enjoy defensive and area-denial playstyles.

Note: Click here to see the list of all Lancers and their abilities.

Chum’s Abilities

  • (Q) Chomper – Deploys Chomper, a small AI-controlled creature that charges at nearby enemies. Chomper can be destroyed by opponents.

  • (E) Explosive Bait – Places a trap that explodes when triggered or can be fed to Chomper to turn him into an explosive kamikaze unit.

  • (T) Smoking Bait – Places a smoke-generating trap or can be fed to Chomper, causing him to emit a continuous smoke cloud.

How to Play Chum

Use (Q) Chomper to Distract and Harass Enemies

  • Deploy Chomper near enemies to force them to react and reposition.

  • If enemies focus on destroying Chomper, use the distraction to push in or set traps.

Set Up (E) Explosive Bait for Damage and Area Control

  • Place the trap near objectives or entrances to catch enemies off guard.

  • Feed it to Chomper to turn him into a walking explosive that rushes toward enemies.

Block Vision with (T) Smoking Bait

  • Drop smoke traps in chokepoints or near objectives to limit enemy sightlines.

  • Feed it to Chomper for a mobile smoke screen, allowing teammates to push safely.

Final Blurb

Chum is a disruptive, utility-based Lancer who thrives on trap placement and creative use of his pet companion. Use Chomper wisely, set traps strategically, and control space to keep enemies guessing and your team ahead!

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Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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