FragPunk Jaguar Guide: Abilities and How to Play

"FragPunk Jaguar character selection screen featuring Jaguar, a trap placement Lancer with vision control and detection abilities. Highlights his Live Wire skill, which deploys an electric trap that stuns nearby enemies

Image Credits: Bad Guitar Studio, FragPunk

Jaguar is a vision-control and trap-based Lancer who specializes in tracking enemies, slowing them down, and cutting off their movement. His abilities let him set traps, detect low-health enemies, and block vision, making him a strong pick for players who enjoy controlling the battlefield and setting up ambushes.

Note: Click here to see the list of all Lancers and their abilities.

Jaguar’s Abilities

  • (Q) Live Wire – Deploys a trap that deals damage and slows enemies who trigger it.

  • (E) Electric Avenue – Summons a large electrical cage that blocks enemy vision, forcing them to reposition.

  • (T) I Can See for Miles – Displays the number of enemies ahead who are either low on health or affected by Jaguar’s abilities. Also increases his movement speed.

How to Play Jaguar

Use (Q) Live Wire to Slow and Weaken Enemies

  • Place traps near objectives or chokepoints to catch enemies off guard.

  • Pair it with I Can See for Miles to locate and finish off weakened opponents.

Control Enemy Sight with (E) Electric Avenue

  • Drop the vision-blocking cage in key areas to force enemies into predictable paths.

  • Use it to cut off sniper sightlines or protect your team from ranged attacks.

Track Weak Enemies with (T) I Can See for Miles

  • Use the movement speed boost to chase down low-health enemies for easy eliminations.

  • Activate it before engaging to get a sense of enemy positions and set up traps accordingly.

Final Blurb

Jaguar is a vision-focused, trap-based Lancer who excels at slowing enemies, tracking their movements, and blocking their sightlines. If you enjoy setting traps and controlling the battlefield, Jaguar is a strong choice to keep enemies on edge!

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Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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