How to Crack a Safe in Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop
Image Credit: Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop
In Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop cracking safes can be tricky but with some practice, you’ll get the hang of it. Here’s how to crack a safe:
1. Start the Safe Cracking
Go up to the safe module and interact with it to begin.
2. Understand the Dial
The safe has a dial that you turn to find the right combination.
3. Listen for Clicks
As you turn the dial, listen carefully for a click sound.
Each click means you’ve found one part of the combination.
4. Turn the Dial Correctly
First, turn the dial right (clockwise) until you hear a click.
Then, turn the dial left (counterclockwise) to find the next click.
Keep switching directions until you hear all the clicks and find the full combination.
5. Stay Steady
Turn the dial smoothly. Don’t move too fast or shake the dial.
If you miss a click, start over slowly.
6. Open the Safe
Once you’ve set the correct combination, the safe will unlock.
If it doesn’t open, check your clicks and try again.
Take Your Time: Rushing might make you miss clicks.
Use Headphones: They can help you hear the clicks better.
Stay Calm: If you’re under time pressure, don’t panic (stay focused)!