How to Get More Rune Pages in League of Legends

Image Credit: Riot, League of Legends (Runes)

Rune Pages in League of Legends let you customize bonuses for your champions before each game, giving them special boosts in stats/bonuses or unique abilities. The more rune pages you have the easier it is to prepare specific setups for different champions and matchups, saving you time during the champion select phase and forgetting to make the changes you want or running out of time. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to find, customize, and buy more rune pages:

What Are Runes and Rune Pages?

Runes are bonuses that can increase your champion’s stats, such as attack damage, haste, or magic resist, and sometimes give additional passive abilities. They are sorted into different categories and allow you to create customized “rune pages” that you can tailor to specific champions or roles.

  • Precision | Often utilized by ADCs and Attack Damage champions

  • Domination | Usually great for Top laners and solo carries

  • Sorcery | Used by casters and those that are mana-dependent

  • Resolve | For the Tank players who need survivability

  • Inspiration | Great for Support players and misc.

Each rune page includes a “keystone rune” for the most impactful bonus, along with other runes that add smaller enhancements. Some rune effects kick in right away, while others build up over time.

How to Find Your Rune Pages

  1. Log into the League of Legends client.

  2. Click on the “Collection” icon at the top of the screen. It looks like a backpack and is located on the left side of the “Loot” icon.

  3. Select the “Runes” tab in the Collection section. Here, you’ll find all your rune pages.

In this section, every player has access to five default rune pages set by Riot Games. These cannot be changed or customized, but they’re there as preset options if you’re new or need a quick setup.

Once your account reaches level 10, you’ll receive two additional rune pages that you can customize as much as you want. You can edit these pages anytime outside of a game by clicking on them in the “Runes” section.

Image Credit: Riot, League of Legends (Rune Page)

How to Buy More Rune Pages

If you want even more rune pages you can purchase them through the in-game store.

  1. Open the League of Legends store. Click on the store icon in the top right of your client, which looks like a stack of coins.

  2. Go to the “Accessories” section in the store. Here, you’ll see options for buying various items, like emotes, ward skins, summoner icons, and rune pages.

  3. Select “Rune Pages.”

You’ll have two options:

  • Buy a single rune page with RP (Riot Points) or Blue Essence.

  • Buy a bundle of seven rune pages with RP only. This bundle gives you a 37% discount compared to buying individual rune pages with RP.

With more rune pages, you can set up specific runes for different champions or roles ahead of time which will allow you to adapt faster to any matchup you might encounter in the game.

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Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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