How to Return to Town in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2

Image Credit: Crackshell, Heroes of Hammerwatch II

So, you’ve beaten a boss, hoarded a small mountain of loot, and now you’re wondering how to return to town without dying or losing half of it in the process. Welcome to the life of a Heroes of Hammerwatch 2 adventurer. If you’re struggling to figure out how to get back without sacrificing your hard-earned resources, here’s a simple guide.

Your Options for Returning to Town

1. Beat the Entire Game

Yes, you read that right. If you finish the entire game, congratulations, you can return to town tax-free. Of course, if you’re reading this guide, you’re probably not quite there yet.

2. Die (and Pay the Death Tax)

Ah, the classic roguelike move. If you die, you’ll respawn in town—but you’ll lose 40% of your loot. Don’t like it? Too bad. That’s just how the roguelike cookie crumbles.

Pro Tip: You can reduce this “death tax” by upgrading the church in your town. Sure, it won’t erase the pain entirely, but every little bit helps, right?

3. Send Loot Back with the Lightning Chicken

Yes, there’s a lightning chicken. No, this isn’t a joke. If you stumble upon this mystical poultry during your run, you can use it to send your loot back to town safely. However, the lightning chicken is as elusive as it sounds, so don’t count on it swooping in to save the day every time.

Why Can't You Just Teleport Back?

Because this is a roguelike, and the genre thrives on making things difficult. There’s no handy portal scroll or teleportation spell here. You either survive long enough to send loot back safely or accept the death tax as part of the grind.

How to Minimize Resource Loss

If you’re determined to maximize your haul, here are some tips:

  1. Upgrade the Church:
    Invest in your town’s church to reduce the penalty on your loot when you inevitably bite the dust. It’s like paying for a better insurance policy—only less glamorous.

  2. Git Gud (Seriously):
    Survive longer by honing your skills, upgrading your gear, and avoiding unnecessary risks. The better you play, the less you’ll lose. Easier said than done, of course.

  3. Look for the Lightning Chicken:
    If you’re lucky enough to find the chicken, use it. This mystical bird is your best friend for safely transferring loot back to town.

Why Is the Death Tax Even a Thing?

The 40% loot loss might feel harsh, but it’s a core part of the game’s roguelike mechanics. It incentivizes smart decision-making, like knowing when to push forward and when to cut your losses. Think of it as tough love from the developers.

Final Blurb

Returning to town in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2 isn’t meant to be easy. Whether you’re relying on the elusive lightning chicken, upgrading the church, or just accepting the death tax as part of life, the game’s difficulty is part of its charm—or frustration, depending on your perspective.

Until you master the game, just embrace the chaos, hoard what you can, and maybe say a little prayer to the lightning chicken. You’re going to need it.


Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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