Immersive Mode Explained in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Image Credit: Ubisoft, Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Immersive Mode changes the language of the game’s voice acting to better match the setting. Specifically:

  • Japanese voice acting for most of the game (makes sense—it’s set in Japan).

  • Portuguese voice acting for certain characters, like Yasuke’s early allies.

The goal is to make the game feel more authentic, like you’re actually living in feudal Japan and not watching a dubbed movie.

Does Immersive Mode Lock the Language?

Even though the menu says it “locks” the audio to Japanese/Portuguese, you can change it anytime in the settings. Nothing is permanent, so feel free to try it and switch back if it’s not your thing.

Should You Play With Immersive Mode On?

Yes, if you:

  • Like subtitles and want the game to sound authentic.

  • Want to hear the excellent Japanese voice acting, especially from big-name actors like Akio Otsuka (from Metal Gear and Yakuza).

No, if you:

  • Hate reading subtitles while sneaking around.

  • Prefer everything in English, even if some NPC accents are… a bit questionable.

Can You Change It Later?

You can enable or disable Immersive Mode anytime, even after you start your game. There’s no penalty or restriction.

Final Blurb

Immersive Mode is for players who want to feel like they’re actually in Japan, not watching an anime dubbed in English. It’s not for everyone—but it’s worth trying, especially since you can change it back anytime. Plus, hearing Yasuke and Naoe in their native tongues just feels right... assuming you're okay with reading while stabbing people.

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