How to Transmog Armor in Monster Hunter Wilds

Image Credit: CAPCOM Co., Ltd., Monster Hunter Wilds

If you’ve been running around Monster Hunter Wilds looking like a walking fashion disaster, don’t worry—there’s a fix. The transmog system lets you change the appearance of your armor while keeping its stats, so you can look as intimidating as the monsters you’re hunting.

How to Use Transmog (Layered Armor) in Monster Hunter Wilds

To transmog your gear, you’ll need to equip Layered Armor, which overrides the look of your current armor without affecting its stats. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Enter a tent at a base camp or pop-up camp.

  2. Open the Appearance Menu (look for the head icon).

  3. Select Equipment Appearance.

  4. Click on the armor piece you want to change.

  5. Choose the Layered Armor you want to display.

What You Need to Know About Transmog

  • Layered Armor does not affect stats—it only changes your appearance.

  • Not all armor is available for transmog—only DLC-exclusive outfits and armor sets you’ve fully crafted can be used.

  • If a set isn’t showing up, make sure you’ve crafted every piece (helm, chest, braces, coil, greaves).

How to Dye Armor

If you want even more customization, you can change the color of your Layered Armor:

  1. Open the Equipment Appearance menu inside your tent.

  2. Look for the two color squares on the right side.

  3. Use the color selection tool to adjust your armor’s hue.

Regular armor crafted by Gemma cannot be dyed, but Underclothes and Layered Armor can.

Final Thoughts

While you can’t transmog everything right away, once you unlock more Layered Armor, you’ll never have to worry about looking mismatched again. Now you can hunt in style, without sacrificing the protection you need to take down the Wilds’ deadliest beasts.

Recommended • View all Monster Hunter Wilds

Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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