Orcs Must Die! Deathtrap – All Status Effects and Headshot Multipliers Explained
Image Credit: Robot Entertainment, Orcs Must Die! Deathtrap
What Are Status Effects?
Status effects are conditions that can make enemies weaker, slower, or just plain miserable. Some effects deal extra damage over time, some increase the damage they take, and some stop them in place. However, status effects can overwrite each other. If a stronger effect is applied and a weaker one follows, the weaker one takes over. So, if someone puts down a weak Brimstone trap after you placed an upgraded one, they just made the fire weaker. Congratulations to them on being the worst teammate.
All Status Effects and What They Do
Fire – Burning
What It Does: Sets enemies on fire, dealing damage over time. It doesn’t last long, but it hurts more than other damage-over-time effects.
Damage: 25 damage every 0.5 seconds.
Duration: 4 seconds.
Works With: Wall Scorcher, Brimstone.
Strategy Tip: If you want maximum burn efficiency, use a checkerboard Brimstone pattern instead of stacking them. That way, the fire stays as strong as possible.
Poison – Poisoned
What It Does: Applies poison damage over time, but it lasts longer than fire. Unfortunately, it also hits like a wet noodle compared to burning.
Damage: 20 damage every 2 seconds.
Duration: 20 seconds.
Works With: Poison Flower, Poison Gas Emitter.
Ice – Frozen
What It Does: Completely freezes an enemy in place. Unlike slowing effects, frozen enemies can’t do anything at all.
Duration: 3 seconds.
Works With: Ice Vent, Ice Lance.
Strategy Tip: This stops an enemy entirely but does not increase the damage they take. However, it can overwrite slowing effects, so be careful with timing.
Acid – Melting
What It Does: Increases all Warmage damage against the affected enemy. Great for making things die faster.
Damage Increase: 25 percent more Warmage damage.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Works With: Acid Geyser, Acid Shower.
Lightning – Electrified
What It Does: When the electrified enemy dies, a chain lightning effect hits up to two more enemies.
Damage: 50 per chain lightning hit.
Duration: 5 seconds.
Works With: Wall Charger, Shocker Zapper.
Strategy Tip: This is great for taking out weak enemies in groups, but don’t expect it to do much against tougher enemies.
Vampire Trap – Rend
What It Does: Makes every Warmage attack a critical hit against the affected enemy.
Duration: 5 seconds.
Works With: Skills and Threads for Traps.
Shiny – Gold Drops
What It Does: Enemies with this effect have a 35 percent chance to drop a gold coin when they die.
Duration: 10 seconds (can be extended with a Thread).
Works With: Molten Gold.
Strategy Tip: If you like money (and you should), slap this effect on enemies whenever possible.
Stun – Stunned
What It Does: Stops an enemy completely and interrupts their attack if they were mid-swing.
Duration: 2 seconds.
Works With: Ceiling Pounder, Max’s abilities.
Slowed – Slow Effects
What It Does: Slows enemies down but can be overwritten by freeze or stun effects.
Duration: Depends on the trap.
Works With: Tar Trap, Cursed Ground (with Thread).
Physics Traps – Launched
What It Does: When an enemy is ragdolled by physics traps, they take double damage while airborne.
Damage Boost: 2x damage while launched.
Works With: Push Trap, Flip Trap, Spike Wall, Minecart, Haymaker, Steam Vent, Swinging Mace.
Strategy Tip: If you launch an enemy off the map, they don’t need to take extra damage—they just die. Highly recommended.
Stone Bats – Petrified
What It Does: Turns enemies to stone. The only current way to apply this is with Stone Bats.
Duration: 3 seconds.
Strategy Tip: The Bat's ability has a 5-second cooldown, so don’t expect this to be a constant effect.
Official Headshot Multipliers
Wren – 1.75
Harlow – 1.2
Vaan – 1.25
Max – 1.35
Mac – 2 or 2.25 while ADS
Sophie – 1.5
Kalos – None
Final Blurb
Status effects are one of the most important tools in Orcs Must Die! Deathtrap. If you use them wisely, you can make enemies burn, freeze, explode, or just straight-up give you more gold. But remember, bad trap placement can ruin strong effects, so work with your team instead of against them. And please, for the love of the Rift, don’t overwrite a fully upgraded Brimstone with your level one nonsense.