That’s Not My Neighbor – Achievements Guide
Image Credits: Nachosama Games, That’s Not My Neighbor
Note: If you’re looking for the Steam Version guide, please click here.
This guide covers all 30 achievements in the version of the game. Some are tied to game progress, while others require specific choices or interactions. Achievements are listed in order, split between two pages in-game.
First Page Achievements
Get an S rank in one playthrough.WORK ACCIDENT
Kill one neighbor.DOPPELGANGER FOOD
Be murdered by a doppelganger.HUNTER
Capture 100 doppelgangers.I’M ALIVE!
Finish one playthrough alive.STEEL MEMORY
Survive without opening any folder.THE BEST IN THE CLASS
Complete Chester’s Quiz.UNLIKELY
Meet the Clown.QUARANTINE
Survive 40 playthroughs.WORSE THAN HENRY
Get an F rank (kill neighbors and let doppelgangers in).EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH
Complete 100 playthroughs.CATCH YOU!
Catch a doppelganger red-handed.OPEN MIND
Meet 42 in Arcade Mode.PEACHES PEACHES
Meet the peach doppelganger in Arcade Mode.OPEN YOUR EYES
Meet the Hooded Man.
Second Page Achievements
Welcome 42 as a VIP.PEACHING
Welcome peach as a VIP.IN MY RESTLESS DREAMS
Welcome the nurse as a VIP.WAKE UP!
Survive Nightmare Mode.PRODIGIOUS MIND
Complete the evil Chester’s Quiz.BOO!
Get haunted by the mask ghost.HEADACHE
Be killed by the entity (kill two neighbors in Nightmare Mode).THE WORST WEEK
Survive 7 days in Endless Mode.CAN’T MAKE IT TO PAYDAY
Survive 15 days in Endless Mode.6 FEET UNDER
Let everyone in during Campaign Mode.ENTITLED TO ONE CALL
Kill everyone in Campaign Mode.JUST LIKE HENRY
Complete all 7 days in Campaign Mode.CONSPIRACY THEORIST
Only kill Dr. W. Afton in Campaign Mode.MODEL EMPLOYEE
Do not let anyone die in Campaign Mode.COLLECTOR
Unlock all achievements.