How to Get, Use, and Put Away the Camera in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Image Credit: MachineGames, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
In Indiana Jones and the Great Circle the camera is a tool for taking pictures of important things and earning rewards. Here’s how to use the camera:
1. How to Get the Camera
Start the "Stolen Cat Mummy" quest in the Vatican.
Go to the post office and talk to Ernesto. He will sell you the camera for 379 lire.
2. How to Use the Camera
Equip the Camera: Press the Up button on the D-pad to take the camera out, or 2 on the PC.
Find What to Photograph: Look for a camera icon in the corner of the screen. This means there is something nearby to take a picture of.
Frame the Picture:
Move the fuzzy brackets inside the solid brackets in the camera’s viewfinder.
If the fuzzy brackets are outside, move back or zoom out.
If they’re too small, move closer or zoom in.
Take the Picture: Once the brackets line up, press the button on the screen to snap the photo.
Press the left trigger to open the viewfinder, then the right trigger to take a photo.
3. How to Put the Camera Away
Press the Up button on the D-pad again to put the camera back, or 2 on the PC.
4. Tips for Using the Camera
Earn Points: Taking pictures of special places or items earns you Adventure Points, which unlock new skills.
Pay Attention: Watch for the camera icon when exploring. It shows you where to take photos.
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Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).