How To Heal Units in Civilization 7 | Civ 7 Healing Explained
Image Credits: Firaxis Games
Keeping your units alive in Civilization 7 is just as important as sending them into battle. After all, a dead unit isn’t very useful. So, with that said, here’s a quick guide on how to heal units in Civ 7:
How To Heal Units
There are a few ways to heal units in Civilization 7. Some are slow and steady, others are a bit riskier, but all of them will help get your soldiers back into shape.
The Basic Healing Method
Select the Wounded Unit – Click on the unit that looks like it just got smacked around by a catapult.
Open the Unit’s Options – Look in the bottom right corner of your screen. Click the small grey arrow on the left to expand the menu.
Click the Heal Button – You’ll see four options. The top-left one (with a heart and moon icon) is the "Heal" button. Click it, and your unit will stay put and recover health until it’s fully restored.
Use the ‘H’ Shortcut – If clicking buttons is too much effort, just press ‘H’ on your keyboard after selecting a unit. It does the same thing.
Note: This method only works if your unit isn’t actively being stabbed by enemy forces. Healing takes time, and time is a luxury you don’t always have in battle.
Healing Speed Depends on Location
Inside Your Territory – Units heal the fastest when they’re within your borders. Home is where the health is.
Neutral Territory – Healing slows down outside your borders, but at least they’re not being shot at.
Enemy Territory – Healing is at its slowest here, and quite frankly, it’s not the best place for a nap.
Fortify Before Healing
If you want a little extra defense while recovering, try this:
Select the Unit – Find your wounded warrior.
Click “Fortify” – This boosts their defense while they wait.
Heal on the Next Turn – Once fortified, you can select the heal command next turn to start recovering health.
The Emergency Heal – Skipping a Turn
Sometimes, your unit is too injured to fight but also too deep in enemy territory to retreat. If that’s the case:
Click the Unit – Select the nearly-dead soldier.
Click the “Skip” Button – This will make them sit tight for a turn, healing a small amount of HP.
It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing. Think of it like slapping a bandage on a broken leg and hoping for the best.
Raiding Enemy Tiles for Health
Feeling reckless? You can also heal by pillaging enemy tiles.
Move onto an Enemy Improvement – Find a farm, district, or resource belonging to the enemy.
Click “Pillage” – This destroys the improvement and gives your unit a small health boost.
It’s a high-risk, low-reward strategy, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Final Burb
If you want your army to last longer than a few turns, knowing how to heal is essential. Keep them in friendly territory, use the heal button when needed, and maybe don’t send them charging into enemy lands without a plan. Happy conquering!