How To Heal Units in Civilization 7 | Civ 7 Healing Explained

Image Credits: Firaxis Games

Keeping your units alive in Civilization 7 is just as important as sending them into battle. After all, a dead unit isn’t very useful. So, with that said, here’s a quick guide on how to heal units in Civ 7:

How To Heal Units

There are a few ways to heal units in Civilization 7. Some are slow and steady, others are a bit riskier, but all of them will help get your soldiers back into shape.

The Basic Healing Method

  1. Select the Wounded Unit – Click on the unit that looks like it just got smacked around by a catapult.

  2. Open the Unit’s Options – Look in the bottom right corner of your screen. Click the small grey arrow on the left to expand the menu.

  3. Click the Heal Button – You’ll see four options. The top-left one (with a heart and moon icon) is the "Heal" button. Click it, and your unit will stay put and recover health until it’s fully restored.

  4. Use the ‘H’ Shortcut – If clicking buttons is too much effort, just press ‘H’ on your keyboard after selecting a unit. It does the same thing.

Note: This method only works if your unit isn’t actively being stabbed by enemy forces. Healing takes time, and time is a luxury you don’t always have in battle.

Healing Speed Depends on Location

  • Inside Your Territory – Units heal the fastest when they’re within your borders. Home is where the health is.

  • Neutral Territory – Healing slows down outside your borders, but at least they’re not being shot at.

  • Enemy Territory – Healing is at its slowest here, and quite frankly, it’s not the best place for a nap.

Fortify Before Healing

If you want a little extra defense while recovering, try this:

  1. Select the Unit – Find your wounded warrior.

  2. Click “Fortify” – This boosts their defense while they wait.

  3. Heal on the Next Turn – Once fortified, you can select the heal command next turn to start recovering health.

The Emergency Heal – Skipping a Turn

Sometimes, your unit is too injured to fight but also too deep in enemy territory to retreat. If that’s the case:

  1. Click the Unit – Select the nearly-dead soldier.

  2. Click the “Skip” Button – This will make them sit tight for a turn, healing a small amount of HP.

It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing. Think of it like slapping a bandage on a broken leg and hoping for the best.

Raiding Enemy Tiles for Health

Feeling reckless? You can also heal by pillaging enemy tiles.

  1. Move onto an Enemy Improvement – Find a farm, district, or resource belonging to the enemy.

  2. Click “Pillage” – This destroys the improvement and gives your unit a small health boost.

It’s a high-risk, low-reward strategy, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Final Burb

If you want your army to last longer than a few turns, knowing how to heal is essential. Keep them in friendly territory, use the heal button when needed, and maybe don’t send them charging into enemy lands without a plan. Happy conquering!

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Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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