How to Increase Buzz in Two Point Museum
Image Credit: Two Point Studios, Two Point Museum
Buzz is one of the most important stats in Two Point Museum, determining how much excitement your exhibits generate. A high buzz score attracts more visitors, increases donations, and makes your museum feel more alive. If you want to keep the hype going, follow this simple guide.
What is Buzz?
Buzz is different from Entertainment – Buzz is about overall exhibit hype, while Entertainment is tied to interactive displays.
More buzz = more visitors – The higher the buzz, the more people want to see an exhibit.
Buzz can be checked in the Exhibit Buzz Overlay – Click the Visualizations button in the bottom left of the screen to see which exhibits need improvement.
How to Increase Buzz
Use Adjacency Bonuses – Every exhibit type has a unique adjacency bonus that increases its buzz. Some need a specific decoration, while others need to be placed near a similar-themed exhibit.
Decorate, decorate, decorate – The overall decoration score affects buzz. More bling = more excitement.
Run Marketing Campaigns – Focusing on a specific exhibit type can give it an extra buzz boost.
Keep Exhibits Clean – If exhibits get too dusty or damaged, buzz will drop over time. Hire experts to restore them regularly.
Exhibit Quality and Buzz
Each exhibit comes in four quality levels:
Pristine (Best)
Higher-quality exhibits start with more buzz and have more slots for perks, which can add even bigger bonuses. To improve quality:
Go on expeditions – The better the survey level of a site, the better exhibits you’ll find.
Keep duplicates – Breaking down lower-quality versions of an exhibit boosts your Knowledge and increases your chance of finding a Pristine version later.
Best Perks for Maximizing Buzz
Perks help fine-tune exhibits, and some are essential for keeping buzz high:
Buzz Boost – Increases buzz by a percentage, so use it on exhibits that already have high buzz.
Decoration Boost – Lets you be more flexible with layout by making adjacency bonuses less strict.
Entertainment Boost – Keeps kids and aliens engaged, making them more likely to stick around.
Duration Boost – Helps visitors stay longer, especially near entrance exhibits to guide them deeper inside.
Dust Deterrents – Keeps exhibits cleaner, reducing maintenance costs.
Final Blurb
If you want a museum that thrives, buzz should always be a priority. Keep exhibits well-placed, decorated, and maintained, and you’ll have a steady flow of excited visitors (and their donation money) rolling in.