R.E.P.O. Best Upgrades to Buy

Image Credit: semiwork, R.E.P.O.

Not all upgrades in R.E.P.O. are created equal. Some are absolute lifesavers, while others are "nice to have" at best. If you're short on cash (and let’s be real, you probably are), here’s what to prioritize—and what can wait.

Note: we have ranked these from the worst to the best (in our opinion), though all have their uses.

8. Strength

  • Cost: $6,000-$8,000

  • Lets you lift heavier objects without needing a friend’s help.

  • Helpful, but unless you're solo, just make someone else do it.

7. Map Player Count

  • Cost: $11,000

  • Shows who's alive and where they are.

  • Useful for finding downed teammates, but let’s be honest—if they died, there’s probably a very good reason you shouldn’t go there.

6. Health

  • Cost: $6,000-$8,000

  • Adds 20 max HP, helping you survive longer.

  • Great for tanking hits, but if you're playing right, you shouldn't be getting hit in the first place.

5. Range

  • Cost: $6,000-$8,000

  • Extends your reach for grabbing loot.

  • Prevents you from getting too close to monsters, but running away is still your best strategy.

4. Extra Jump

  • Cost: $12,000

  • Lets you hop over enemies, reach higher loot, and generally feel cool.

  • Very solid, but expensive—save up for this one later in the run.

3. Tumble Launcher

  • Cost: $4,000-$5,000

  • Turns your goofy tumble into a proper dodge roll.

  • Lets you actually avoid attacks, instead of just collapsing in place and hoping for the best.

  • Can also be used to damage monsters if you hit them hard enough… But it should be a last resort.

2. Stamina

  • Cost: $2,000

  • Cheap, stackable, and keeps you from collapsing mid-chase.

  • The longer you can sprint, the more bad decisions you can outrun.

1. Sprint Speed

  • Cost: $6,000-$8,000

  • Lets you run faster than monsters… and, more importantly, faster than your teammates.

  • Easily the best survival tool in the game. If you’re the fastest, you don’t have to be the bravest.

Final Blurb

Some upgrades help you fight, but the best ones help you escape. R.E.P.O. isn’t about brute strength—it’s about knowing when to cut your losses, ditch your friends, and sprint for your life.

Final Blurb

Yes, upgrades are permanent, but your crewmates aren’t—unless you balance weapons, healing, and upgrades wisely. Spend smart, fight smarter, and maybe, just maybe, you won’t end up as another cautionary tale.

Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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R.E.P.O. All Upgrades and What They Do