R.E.P.O. How to Revive

Image Credit: semiwork, R.E.P.O.

In R.E.P.O., staying alive is tough, but bringing your teammates back is even tougher if you don’t know how. Here’s a quick guide on reviving in the game.

How to Revive or “Res” a Teammate

  1. Find Their Body – If a teammate goes down, you’ll see their body on the ground.

  2. Interact to Start Revive – Walk up to them and press the revive button (depends on your platform).

  3. Hold the Button – Reviving takes time, so don’t let go too early.

  4. Watch Your Surroundings – You’re vulnerable while reviving, so make sure no enemies are around.

Revival Rules

  • You Can’t Revive if You’re Dead – Someone has to stay alive to bring others back.

  • Time Limit – Some game modes may have a time window for revives. If you wait too long, they’re gone for good.

  • Items or Perks May Help – Some upgrades or tools might speed up revives or make them safer.

Pro Tips for Reviving

Clear Enemies First – If you start reviving while enemies are still swarming, you’ll both just die again.
Use Cover – If possible, revive behind cover to avoid getting shot mid-revival.
Communicate – Let your teammate know you’re reviving so they don’t give up early.

Reviving is key to survival in R.E.P.O., so make sure you do it right!

Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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