Exodus Quest Guide and Walkthrough | KCD2


Image Credits: Warhorse Studios, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (KCD2)

It’s time for another dangerous mission—this time, Sigismund’s forces are attacking the Jewish quarter, and things are about to get messy. Exodus is a combat-heavy quest, so if you’re used to solving problems by talking your way out, well... not today.

How to Start the Quest

To trigger Exodus, you must have already attempted to save as many people as possible from Von Bergow’s attack. After that, you’ll need to meet Kubyenka and hop on a wagon.

When talking to Samuel, reassure him that you’ll help his mother. Then, speak to Kubyenka and let him know what’s going on. Once that’s settled, a fast travel prompt will appear—use it to skip ahead.

When you arrive, Samuel will lead you through a secret passage into Kuttenberg. If he and Rabbi suddenly refuse to move, congratulations! You’ve encountered a classic escort quest bug. Simply reload the last autosave and try again.

Oh, and Kubyenka is drunk, so don’t expect him to be particularly helpful or fast.

Breaking into the Inn

At some point, Liechtenstein will break away from the group and ask for help finding important documents. You can either go with him or ignore him, but if you choose to help:

  • Head to the kitchen, where you’ll find a guard.

  • Equip a dagger and stealth kill him.

  • Go upstairs and spot three more enemies—stealth kill one, then fight the other two.

Inside the inn, there’s an easy-to-miss book called Master Studies II on a table upstairs. Grab it—it’ll help boost your scholarship skills later.

After the fight, take some time to loot the numerous locked chests. If lockpicking isn’t your thing, steal Jacob’s keys to open them instead.

Also, don’t forget to loot bodies—one enemy carries a high-quality crossbow and bolts that will come in handy soon.

Meeting Up with Samuel

After looting, exit the inn through the courtyard door and a cutscene will trigger. Once that’s over, follow Samuel to a house where his mother, Sara, is hiding.

Talk to Sara, then get ready to escort her to safety.

Archers and Fighting Your Way Out

While running, archers will start shooting at you from above. You could use that crossbow you looted earlier, but unless you enjoy the world’s slowest reload animation, it’s better to just run up and kill one archer with a sword—the other one will flee.

Once that’s dealt with, continue following Sara. She’ll stop outside a house—head inside and take down two enemies before regrouping outside.

The Big Fight Against Erik’s Soldiers

Now comes the fun part. Erik and his troops arrive, and you’re badly outnumbered.

  • Tip #1: You don’t need to win this fight—just survive for about four or five minutes until a cutscene triggers.

  • Tip #2: Stick close to your allies. If you wander off, enemies will surround and destroy you.

  • Tip #3: If you have heavy armor, now’s the time to wear it. And if your best weapon is still a rusty sword, well... good luck.

After holding off the enemy forces, a cutscene will play, and you’ll escape.

Final Conversation with Sara

Once you’re safe, talk to Sara. You can ask about the man who raised Henry—if you’re curious about Henry’s past, take the time to hear her out.

After your conversation, the quest ends, and the next main mission, The Lion’s Den, begins immediately.

Final Notes

  • This quest is combat-heavy, so make sure you’re well-equipped before starting.

  • If Samuel and Rabbi freeze in the tunnel, reload your last autosave.

  • If you like books, don’t miss Master Studies II in the inn—it boosts your scholarship skills.

  • You don’t have to win the final battle—just survive until the cutscene triggers.

This is Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, so expect things to go sideways at least once—but hey, at least you’re getting good at fighting.

More Kingdom Come: Deliverance II View all

Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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