Smite 2 Legacy Gems Explained: What They Are and How to Get Them

Image Credit: Hi-Rez Studios, Smite 2

Legacy Gems are Smite 2's way of saying “thanks for all your money” from Smite 1. If you ever spent Gems in Smite 1—whether purchased or earned—the game rewards you by giving you an equivalent amount of Legacy Gems in Smite 2. Think of it as a refund… except only half off your next purchase.

What Can You Use Legacy Gems For?

  • They cover 50% of the cost of most in-game purchases in Smite 2. This includes:

    • Skins

    • Battle Passes

    • Events

  • Classic Skins (ported from Smite 1) can be bought entirely with Legacy Gems. So if you had a favorite skin from the original game, you might get it without spending real money (for once).

How Do You Get Legacy Gems?

  • Link your Smite 1 and Smite 2 accounts – That’s the only way. No link, no Legacy Gems.

  • Buy the Founder’s Edition – This doubles your Legacy Gems (but only for a limited time).

How to Link Your Accounts

  • You’ll need to follow the official Smite 2 Account Linking Instructions (check their site).

  • Once linked, your Legacy Gems will show up in Smite 2.

How Long Does the 2X Bonus Last?

  • Nobody knows the exact expiration date. Hi-Rez loves their "limited-time" offers.

  • If you want double Legacy Gems, don’t wait too long.

Final Blurb

Legacy Gems are a nice way to soften the blow of losing your Smite 1 collection. They won’t make everything free, but they at least make it feel like you didn’t spend years of your life grinding for nothing. Now go link your account and enjoy those discounts while they last.


Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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