WEBFISHING How to Meow, Bark, Purr, and More
Image Credit: lamedeveloper, WEBFISHING
In WEBFISHING you can use various chat commands and emotes to express yourself and interact with other players. Here's a comprehensive guide to everything currently available:
1. Keybind Emotes:
Press 'G' to make your character meow (if a cat) or bark (if a dog).
Press 'Alt' + 'G' to produce a mrrp sound (cat) or whine (dog).
Press 'Ctrl' + 'G' to hiss (cat) or growl (dog).
Press 'K' to blow a kiss, accompanied by heart particles.
2. Emote Wheel:
Hold 'C' to open the emote wheel, then move your cursor to select:
Wave: Top-left icon.
Sit: Top-middle icon.
Love: Top-right icon.
Mad: Middle-left icon.
Sad: Middle-right icon.
Shocked: Bottom-left icon.
Excited: Bottom-middle icon.
Big Meow/Bark: Bottom-right icon.
3. Chat Commands:
Tail Wag:
Type '/wag' in the chat to make your character's tail wag. Type it again to stop.
Action Descriptions:
Type '/me [action]' to describe an action. For example, typing '/me dances' will display as "(YourName) dances" in the chat.
4. Facial Expressions via Chat:
Typing certain emoticons in chat changes your character's facial expression:
Smile: ':D', ':)'
Sad: ':(', ':c', 'D:', ';_;'
Meh: ':/', ':|'
Mad: '>:('
Shocked: ':O'
Joyful: '<3', 'LOL', 'LMAO'
Cat Face: ':3', '>:3'
And that’s all folks! Have fun!