ATLYSS Makin’ a Vile Blade Quest Guide

Image Credit: Kiseff, ATLYSS
The "Makin' a Vile Blade" quest in ATLYSS tasks players with getting some materials to craft the Vile Blade weapon. This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough to help you complete the quest:
Quest Overview
Quest Name: Makin' a Vile Blade
Quest Giver: Sally
Location: Sanctum
Level Requirement: 12
Repeatable: No
Experience: 1,000 EXP
Item: Vile Blade
Collect 1 Rude Blade.
Collect 5 Mouth Bittertooth.
1. Accept the Quest
After reaching level 12, speak with Sally in the Sanctum.
She will express interest in crafting a more potent version of the Rude Blade and request your assistance in gathering the necessary materials.
2. Collect the Rude Blade
Source: The Rude Blade is a melee weapon that can be obtained a couple of different ways like purchasing from merchants or as loot from defeated enemies.
Recommended Method: Check with weapon vendors in the Sanctum or nearby areas to purchase a Rude Blade if you don't already have one.
Quantity: Collect 1 Rude Blade.
3. Collect Mouth Bittertooth
Source: Mouth Bittertooth is a crafting material that can be obtained from Maws or Mouths.
Recommended Location: Mouth Bittertooth can be found in areas where venomous creatures reside, particularly as the Crescent Grove.
Quantity: Collect 5 Mouth Bittertooth.
4. Return to Sally
After collecting the required materials return to Sally in the Sanctum.
She will craft the Vile Blade for you as a reward.
Weapon Benefits
The Vile Blade is a powerful melee weapon with a 12% chance to apply Vileblade Poison.
All Quest Guides Coming Soon!

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).