How to Bind in Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen (Stone of Binding/Bind Stone Guide)
Welcome to the quick and easy guide on Bind Stones in Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen—because, let’s face it, we all want to know how to teleport without too much hassle.
What Are Bind Stones?
Bind Stones are large, blue stone markers scattered around the game world. Think of them as your fast travel points (before they add actual teleport spells, of course). When you "bind" yourself to one of these stones, you set it as your spawn point. If you die, guess where you’ll respawn? Yep, right at the Bind Stone. Pretty handy, right?
Where Are the Bind Stones?
Depending on where you start in the game, you’ll find different Bind Stones. Here’s the rundown:
Thronefast: There are three Bind Stones here.
Avender’s Pass: Two Bind Stones are located in this area.
Special Locations: If you’re starting in the Borrowed Dark and heading toward Avela, look for a Bind Stone near the Monk Temple. There's also one by the zone line in Avender’s Pass and near the dungeon at H’s Cave.
How Do Bind Stones Work?
In-game, these Bind Stones look like giant blue rocks. When you click on one, it’ll bind you to that location. So, when you die (because let’s be real, it happens to the best of us), you’ll respawn right at the stone.
Currently, there’s no fancy “gate spell” for casters (which, seriously, would be awesome), so for now, you’ll have to use a little work-around. Here’s the pro tip: you can use the /stuck command as a temporary “gate” spell. Set up a macro to use /stuck, and when you need to teleport to your bound location, just hit it. This will send you back to your last bound stone—kind of like a teleport, just a little… rougher.
When Can You Use It?
You can't use /stuck while you're in combat. (I mean, it’d be a little broken if you could teleport away while getting smacked around by a snake, right?) But once you're out of combat, feel free to use it as many times as you need. No cooldown, no problem.
This is especially useful when you’re out gathering or farming and just want to quickly zip back to town—or wherever you’re farming at—without the tedious walk. Just click your macro, and voila!
Final Thoughts
For now, Bind Stones are useful for saving time and avoiding the hassle of running all over the place. Just bind yourself where you think it’ll be most useful, especially near farming zones. In the future it’d be great if casters got a proper gate spell, but for now, the /stuck macro will have to do.
So, go ahead and get yourself set up with a Bind Stone, make that macro, and enjoy your teleportation life. Just don’t forget, it’s still a work in progress—and hey, maybe we’ll get actual gate spells someday.