R.E.P.O. Broken Ones Explained

Image Credit: semiwork, R.E.P.O.

When your character gets downed in R.E.P.O., death isn’t the end—but it’s definitely a downgrade. Welcome to the sad, floaty life of The Broken Ones—disembodied heads with limited abilities and even less health. Here’s what happens, what you can still do, and why reviving is way better than waiting.

What Are The Broken Ones?

  • When you die, you become a Broken One—basically just your head, floating around and looking regretful.

  • You can still communicate with other Broken Ones, but you’re cut off from the living. No voice chat with alive players, which makes teamwork… interesting.

  • Can’t interact with the world, can’t fight, but hey, it’s a great view from up there.

How Respawning Works

  • If no one revives you during the round, you’ll automatically respawn at the start of the next round.

  • Sounds great, right? Not really.

    • You come back with a whopping 1 HP.

    • You can’t use the Service Truck to heal.

    • One hit from anything? Down again.

How to Survive After Respawn

  • Get healed by a teammate (if they’re feeling generous).

  • Find Med Packs fast—or enjoy being a permanent liability.

  • Alternatively, don’t die in the first place (just kidding—you totally will).

Final Blurb

Becoming a Broken One in R.E.P.O. means your usefulness drops faster than your body did. Sure, you’ll respawn eventually, but with 1 HP and no healing, you’re basically walking stress for your team. Your best bet? Get revived before the round ends—or start practicing your “please heal me” voice.

GamerBlurb Team

This article was written by a member of the GamerBlurb team. Learn more at https://gamerblurb.com/about-us


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