Mirthwood Quest Guide: Missing Man

Image Credit: Bad Ridge Games, Mirthwood

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In Mirthwood, the Missing Man quest involves locating and rescuing a missing carter who has been captured by creatures near Greyshore. Here is a simple quest guide and walkthrough.

Quest Overview

  • Objective: Find and free the missing carter from captivity.

  • Reward: Increased renown.

Steps to Complete the Quest

  1. Initiate the Quest:

    • Visit the Market Value stand in Brightoak's main square.

    • Accept the "Missing Man" quest from the noticeboard.

  2. Locate the Carter:

    • Travel to the eastern side of the map, just south of Greyshore.

    • The carter is held captive in this area.

  3. Prepare for Combat:

    • Before approaching the location, ensure you are well-equipped with appropriate weapons and armor.

    • Carry sufficient healing items to sustain yourself during the battle.

  4. Rescue the Carter:

    • Upon arrival, you'll find the carter tied to a log, guarded by two Stiltlurkers.

    • Defeat the Stiltlurkers to free the carter.

    • After the creatures are defeated, approach the carter and press E to untie him.

    • The carter will then run away, indicating the quest's completion.

  5. Complete the Quest:

    • With the carter freed, the quest concludes, and your renown increases.


  • Combat: Stiltlurkers can be challenging opponents so you should engage them only one at a time.

  • Resources: Be sure you have enough healing items and maintain your equipment to handle the combat encounter.

  • Navigation: Use the in-game map to navigate to the location south of Greyshore.

More Mirthwood

Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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