R.E.P.O. Knight Monster Guide (Trudge)

repo game trudge monster (knight)

Image Credit: semiwork, R.E.P.O.

If you took a medieval knight, dipped him in lava, and gave him a serious eyeball problem, you’d get Trudge—a black and red walking tank that looks like he wandered out of a dungeon boss room and got lost in your office. But don’t let the giant weapon and death-glare fool you—this guy is way easier to deal with than he looks.

Read More: All R.E.P.O. Monsters Guide

Here’s how to deal with the Trudge (knight monster) in R.E.P.O.

What Does Trudge Look Like?

  • Color: Mostly black and red, with a "burnt metal" vibe.

  • Special Feature: Eyeballs randomly slapped on his body—because why not?

  • Vibe: Definitely the guy guarding a lava pit somewhere.

Is Trudge Dangerous?

Yes... but also no.

  • His weapon hits HARD if you let him get close.

  • But he walks like he’s underwater, as in super slow and easy to avoid.

  • Key Weakness: Can’t see you if you’re crouched and hiding under furniture or shelves.

How to Survive Trudge

  • When the ground shakes, that’s your early warning. He’s near.

  • Just find cover—anything from a table to a shelf will do.

  • Stay crouched and still. He’s completely blind to hidden players.

  • Wait it out. He’ll trudge on by (hence the name), and you’ll live to loot another day.

Final Blurb

Trudge may look like he eats players for breakfast, but in reality, he’s more like a big, blind Roomba with a sword. As long as you keep your cool and find a good hiding spot, he’s all bark and no bite. Stay crouched, stay hidden, and let Trudge wander off to terrorize someone else.

GamerBlurb Team

This article was written by a member of the GamerBlurb team. Learn more at https://gamerblurb.com/about-us


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