How Rocket’s Revive Works in Marvel Rivals

Image Credit: Marvel Rivals
Rocket Raccoon has an ability that can bring back or revive a fallen teammate, making him a great, if not one of the best, support heroes. Here’s a quick guide on how Rocket’s revive works.
What Is Rocket’s Revive Ability?
Rocket’s revive comes from his Battle Rebirth Beacon (E) ability. When he uses it, he places a beacon on the ground that can bring a teammate back to life if they’ve been knocked out.
How Does It Work?
Place the Beacon: Rocket drops the beacon in a safe spot.
Revive a Teammate: If a teammate is nearby and has been knocked out, the beacon revives them with a small amount of health.
Additional Bonuses: The beacon also gives armor packs and jetpacks to teammates who pick them up, helping the team stay strong during fights.
Tips for Using Rocket’s Revive
Choose the Right Spot: Place the beacon in a safe area, away from heavy fighting, so it doesn’t get destroyed.
Stay Close to the Team: Make sure your teammates are nearby so they can use the revive and armor packs.
Use the Jetpacks: The jetpacks from the beacon can help your team escape danger or move quickly to the objective.
Why Is Rocket’s Revive Important?
This ability can turn the tide of a battle. Bringing back a teammate gives your team an extra player in the fight and helps keep the momentum on your side.
With Rocket’s revive ability, you can keep your team in the fight and make a big difference in the game!

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).